It’s time to uncover your magic

Creative coaching and support to help you illuminate your brilliance and unleash a life full of authenticity and joy.

The path to truth starts with leaning in and getting curious.


You know you were made for magic. But somewhere along the way, you lost your essence and joy. That’s where I come in. I help creative hearts unlock the secrets of their unique blueprint to make aligned decisions that lead to endless fun and abundance. Learn to embrace your quirks, harness your strengths, and journey toward a life that feels perfectly aligned and uniquely you.

Don’t Take it From Me

Human Design

Archetype Reports

Perfect for the Human Design curious, these personalized reports offer insights into your cosmic blueprint. Uncover your unique essence, explore your chart, and ignite your journey of self-discovery.

Human Design Readings

Dive deeper into your chart with a personalized Human Design Reading! With a 1-hour or 2-hour session, gain guidance on how your chart impacts your life. Explore specific areas to make empowering shifts and live a more authentically aligned life.

Clarity Calls

Get unstuck and unleash your cosmic potential with a Clarity Call! In just 20 minutes, we’ll use elements of your Human Design and astrology charts to guide you through a challenge or creative block.

Hi, I’m Brit.

A Gemini Sun and Manifesting Generator.

As a recovering perfectionist, I know what it’s like to live stripped of joy, working for someone else’s dream, and have an identity bound up with your career.

That’s why I set off on a journey to ask more questions.

My life’s practice focuses on the dynamic connection between humanity, spirituality, and nature.

Through a blend of different tools ranging from yoga, meditation, and breathwork to Human Design, Tarot, and astrology, I help heart-centered and curious humans build a life rich in joy and abundant in authenticity.